Page & Greenehaven Real Estate

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Christine Johnson
License #:SA654134000
(928) 660-8824
Holly Helme
License #:BR629830000
(928) 660-3320
Featured Listings
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812 Aqua Ave
Page, AZ 86040 - $3,900,000
Commercial | MLS#: 1606090
2 ba | 1,997 sf | 0.19 ac
feature listing property photoActive
825 N Navajo Dr
Page, AZ 86040 - $1,500,000
Commercial | MLS#: 1605914
1 ba | 3,300 sf | 0.89 ac
feature listing property photoActive
300 N Lake Powell Blvd
Page, AZ 86040 - $1,300,000
Commercial Land | MLS#: 1605796
1.00 ac
feature listing property photoActive
524 Haul Rd Rd
Page, AZ 86040 - $1,150,000
Commercial | MLS#: 1606158
26 bd | 26 ba | 7,840 sf | 0.87 ac
feature listing property photoActive
109-115 8th
Page, AZ 86040 - $1,125,000
Multi-Family | MLS#: 1606177
8,184 sf | 0.78 ac
feature listing property photoActive
459 S Lake Powell Blvd
Page, AZ 86040 - $1,100,000
Commercial | MLS#: 1606154
4,500 sf | 1.19 ac
feature listing property photoActive
603 S Lake Powell Blvd.
Page, AZ 86040 - $1,000,000
Commercial Land | MLS#: 1606111
3.05 ac
feature listing property photoActive
423 ELM St
Page, AZ 86040 - $999,999
Multi-Family | MLS#: 1606180
5,988 sf | 0.21 ac
feature listing property photoActive
Lake Powell Blvd
Page, AZ 86040 - $849,999
Commercial Land | MLS#: 1605659
3.98 ac
feature listing property photoActive
80 South Anasazi Dr
Greenehaven, AZ 86040 - $825,000
Single Family | MLS#: 1606148
3 bd | 2 ba | 3,477 sf | 0.99 ac

Newest Listings

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4 Beds, 2.5 Baths, 2,207 Sq. Ft., 0.25 Acres
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3 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,599 Sq. Ft., 0.27 Acres
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3 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,344 Sq. Ft., 0.13 Acres
property photoActive
3 Beds, 1.75 Baths, 1,488 Sq. Ft., 0.23 Acres

Contact Holly